๐ This event has passed!
This event ended on June 3, 2018
โจ Update: Limerick Fire Company Carnival 2018 - Limerick, PA
The Limerick Fire Company will be hosting their annual carnival from Wednesday, May 30th through Sunday, June 3rd, located at the fire company grounds on W. Ridge Pike in Limerick. The five day carnival will have rides for all ages, great food, games, and live entertainment on Friday & Saturday. All proceeds benefit the Limerick Fire Company.
Ride tickets are $1 per ticket, $20 for 25 tickets, and $50 for 70 tickets.
Unlimited ride wristband days are Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday afternoon. Ride wristbands are $20 per wristband/per day. Mega Bands are also available for $49 each and are good for unlimited rides on all 5 days of carnival.
Bartlebaugh Amusements has a coupon available for $2 off ride wristbands (not valid on Mega Bands.) Coupon link